Talking about blogging

Sunday I gave a workshop about blogging to a bunch of homeschool parents at the HSC Conference. About half of the people in the room already had blogs; the other half were thinking about it. Some really interesting questions came up regarding what a blog is, why you would do it, who is it for…

One parent was thinking about documenting her family’s long trip on a sailboat. This is a common reason to start a blog: You are doing something unusual or interesting, and you want to document what happened. I’ve seen blogs about interesting travels, unusual restaurants, or whatever passion someone has.

Some people who blog just do it for their friends, and their main goal is letting people know what’s going on in their lives.

Other bloggers have a profession that leads them to have “expert opinions” on some subject. (We have one of those at SantaCruzParent: Heddi’s Hands On Learning blog.)

Which leads me to wonder what my blog is about. I think I needed to come up with a new category: Random thoughts from someone who likes to type…? Outrageous opinions from someone who is happy to change her opinions at whim…? Professional advice from a professional, uh, … hm. Not sure where to go from there.

Well, anyway, it was a fun talk, and thanks to all the parents who showed up there to talk about blogging.


In other news, summer has finally hit the Central Coast and I Am Hot. Which means that this blog entry has been on my screen for two days and hasn’t gone much further, so perhaps it’s time to hit “Publish” and move forward.

More when our natural air-conditioning comes back. Then, at least, I’ll have one thing to write about: grumbling about the fog!

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